13 February 2008

The Day Before

The Resplendent Quetzal lives in the mountainous tropical forests of Central America.

Important to mesoamerican cultures for centuries, the Quetzal can be found in their mythology, art, and fashion. Ancient royalty would use the long, up to three feet, feathers to create headdresses, decorate their clothing, etc.

Today the Quetzal is most well known in name only, for the national currency of Guatemala is called the Quetzal. And the national bird of Guatemala is, shockingly, the Quetzal.

Chasing the Golden Quetzal is the my motivation for the trip, rooted deep in the collective unconscious, combining the god of air with the grounded and illuminating nature of an earthbound element.

Quetzal Mythology

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love your bloging . a beautiful bird.